Get Rid of that Chronic Back Pain Right On Your First Visit! Just Drop a Call and We Will Be There to Help You.
Bid farewell to medications (that cast tons of adverse effects) and enjoy a pain-free jaw with non-invasive chiropractic adjustments.
Meet Dr. Craig Eymann, a seasoned chiropractor with a passion for holistic healing. With a journey spanning over four decades, Dr. Eymann’s expertise extends to gentle adjustments, muscle relaxation techniques, myofascial release, and cranial adjusting. Specializing in jaw pain relief, he employs stress-busting magic and suggests lifestyle tweaks to enhance your well-being. As a dedicated practitioner, Dr. Eymann believes in the power of aligning structure for optimal function, ensuring swift recovery from musculoskeletal issues. Trust in his extensive experience – let him guide you to a pain-free, vibrant life.
Ryan Q.
Google Reviews
After having my wisdom teeth removed, I was in serious pain and couldn’t open my mouth more than 30% for over a week. My dentist said it could take weeks or a month for the jaw to heal, but Dr. Eymann was able to improve my mobility and greatly reduce the pain in 15 minutes. Super grateful and overall awesome experience.
For non-invasive, side-effect-free jaw pain treatment, consult chiropractors. Their personalized approaches, such as adjustments and exercises, tailor relief to your needs, effectively addressing discomfort and ensuring a customized recovery journey.
Yes, dental problems like tooth decay, misaligned bite, and teeth grinding can cause jaw problems and muscle pain.
Jaw pain can be prevented by avoiding chewing hard foods, chewing gum, teeth grinding, improving posture, and managing stress and anxiety. If pain persists, consult a chiropractor for relief without side effects.
Yes, jaw pain can indicate underlying health issues like arthritis, tumors, jaw joint issues, ear infections, sinus problems, and heart attacks.
Yes, ear infections can spread inflammation and fluid pressure to jaw joints and muscles, causing pain and soreness.
Get Rid of that Chronic Back Pain Right On Your First Visit! Just Drop a Call and We Will Be There to Help You.