Patient Coordinator, Medical Assistant, and Nutritional Counselor
GG Codman comes uniquely qualified to be joining the team as the new Patient Care Coordinator. Her experience spans over 25 years; supporting hundreds of people on their journey to integrate their health and wellness goals for spirit, soul, and body.
As a native Californian, GG was raised experiencing the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle by her family who provided for themselves by growing their own food and raising livestock. Supplementing with vitamins and herbs was a common practice and study; used as needed to aid and support the body and fight dis-ease. A passion for fitness and health were all a part of her formation and remain a core value to present day.
By the late 70’s early 80’s, GG could be found leading the way in developing weight training workouts for clients and developing and teaching aerobic and swimnastic classes. She both was trained by, and worked alongside world class professional athletes, weight lifters, and body builders. Her passion was always for her clients to meet their fitness goals and enjoy life to the fullest.
GG gained further experience in the Chiropractic world working for well known and admired Doctors/Leaders in the Health and Wellness field deepening her knowledge base in a practice including nutritional protocols addressing cellular level needs as an important adjunct to the patients regular adjustments for optimal results.
With the deepening conviction for the need to get to and treat the root cause, “seed level” issues for healing, GG gained a counseling degree specializing in addictions and enjoyed the clinical side of things working in treatment; addressing the spiritual, relational, and emotional wounds that factor into the body’s entropy and dis-ease states. Training in various modalities through the years has given her more tools to reach for in the tool belt and she’s grateful the learning never stops!
A multifaceted approach to healing remains her passion along with continuing to develop and utilize cutting edge techniques which include applied kinesiology, frequency work and neuroemotional therapy to help support and empower people on their journey to reach their personal goals for optimum health and happiness.