Trigger Point Massage for Sports Injuries
Have you ever wondered why some parts of your body hurt when you press on them, even though the pain seems to come from somewhere else? This is due to trigger points and trigger point therapy can help. As a registered trigger point therapist with over a decade of expertise, I frequently use this technique […]
How Does Trigger Point Massage Work?
Have you ever felt a knot in your muscle that seems to hurt no matter what you do? These trigger points (TPs) knots can induce muscular discomfort. As a trigger point massage therapist with 10+ years of experience, I have seen how trigger points can impact someone’s daily life. In this blog, I explain trigger […]
The Benefits of EDTA Chelation Therapy for Removing Toxic Metals
Heavy metal toxicity is a growing health concern. As our exposure to heavy metals like lead, mercury, arsenic, and cadmium increases through our environment and food supply, these accumulated toxins can cause serious health issues. After seeing countless patients struggle with the effects of heavy metal buildup, I have found chelation therapy to be one […]
Relieving Tension Headaches with Trigger Point Massage
Tension headaches are an extremely prevalent disorder that causes disability for millions globally. Their dominant triggers and higher incidence in women suggest hormonal and stress-related influences. As a trigger point massage therapist with over a decade of experience, I have seen countless patients suffering from frequent and severe tension headaches. In my practice, I have […]
Can Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Cause Shoulder and Neck Pain?
Cubital tunnel syndrome is caused by compression or irritation of the ulnar nerve at the elbow. This condition is the second most common nerve compression disorder after carpal tunnel syndrome, affecting approximately 25 out of 100,000 people per year in the United States. It impacts men and women, typically between the ages of 30 to […]
Alleviating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms with Trigger Point Massage
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a common condition caused by median nerve compression as it passes through the wrist. This compression leads to tingling, numbness, and pain in the thumb, index, middle, and ring fingers. As a trigger point massage therapist with years of experience treating patients, I have seen how disruptive CTS can be […]
What are the Causes and Remedies for Jaw Pain on One Side?
If you’ve ever experienced jaw pain, stiffness, or discomfort when chewing or opening your mouth, you may have temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. In the United States, 5-12% of people experience TMJ pain, which can have a substantial impact on their everyday lives. Jaw pain not only makes eating difficult but can also trigger headaches, earaches, […]
Is Trigger Point Therapy Effective?
Trigger point therapy is a massage technique that concentrates on sensitive, tight muscle locations known as “trigger points.” When pushed or pinched, these irritation points generate pain in the body. People get trigger points when muscles become tight and knotted from overuse, stress, or injury. Trigger-point therapy dates back to the early 1900s. A doctor […]
How Does A Chiropractic Adjustment Relieve TMJ Pain?
If you’ve ever experienced jaw pain, stiffness, or discomfort when chewing or opening your mouth, you may have temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. In the United States, 5-12% of people experience TMJ pain, which can have a substantial impact on their everyday lives. Jaw pain not only makes eating difficult but can also trigger headaches, earaches, […]
Chiropractic Care for Breech Presentation & Back Pain During Pregnancy
Pregnancy causes a lot of strain on a woman’s body. The extra weight on the front portion of the body changes the body’s center of gravity, strains the vertebrae and pelvis, and alters posture. Unsurprisingly, over half of pregnant women feel back aches and discomfort. While some pregnancy aches are every day, suffering doesn’t have […]